Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions is very important for any application for better readability of  code.

What is Naming Convention ?  Naming conventions are general rules applied when creating text scripts for software programming. They have many different purposes, such as adding clarity and uniformity to scripts, readability for third-party applications, and functionality in certain languages and applications. They range from capitalization and punctuation to adding symbols and identifiers to signify certain functions.

Advantages of Naming Conventions are :

1. Consistency
2. Better understanding the code
3. Readability
4. Automation

Types of Naming Conventions: 

1. camelCase : First letter should be lower case.
2. PascalCase :  All words should be upper case.
3. kebab-case : Use dash symbol between word to word with lower case.
4. snake_case : Use underscore symbol between word to word with lower case.

How and where these naming conventions will use ? Please check this post Angular Coding Style Part 1


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