Create Extension Method in typescript - String.IsNullOrEmpty()
How to Create Extension Method using Typescript in Angular Application - String.IsNullOrEmpty() Step 1 : Create typings.d.ts (declaration file) in the application and declare the method in interface like below. HTML interface StringConstructor { isNullOrEmpty(value: string): boolean; } Step 2 : Create extension.ts file in the application and implement the method like below. HTML String.isNullOrEmpty = function (value: string): boolean { return value === undefined || value.trim() === '' || value === null; }; Step 3 : Usage of the Method in the component or class file. HTML import './extensions'; export class TestComponent implements OnInit { public ngOnInit(): void { let abc; console.log(String.isNullOrEmpty(abc)); } } Step 4 : Output like below.