Allow Numbers After Decimal And Before In Jquery

Example: In this function it will takes 10 digits before decimal and after decimal it will takes 8 digits.

Lets see how it is possible in Javascript, if you want to change it in Jquery also

Please follow these steps:

1. Create a textbox with the name of txtDecimal and add a event with the name of onkeypress to that textbox and give maxlength of that textbox. See below.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtDecimal" runat="server" MaxLength="20" onkeypress="return CheckNumber(event,this.value)"></asp:TextBox>

2. Create a Javascript function with the name of CheckNumber in aspx page.

<script type="text/javascript">

        function CheckNumber(key, value) {
            var dot= /[.]/g;
            var whitespace = /^\S+$/;
            var Minus = /[-]/g;
            var keyCode = key.keyCode == 0 ? key.charCode : key.keyCode;
            var ret = ((keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) || (keyCode == 45) || (keyCode == 46));
            if (ret == true) {
                if (keyCode != 8) {
                    var Strlength = value.length;
                    var StrValue = value;
                    if (keyCode == 46) {
                        if (value.indexOf('.') > -1) {
                            return false;
                    else if (keyCode == 45) {
                        if (value.indexOf('-') > -1) {
                            return false;
                    else {
            //  Here it will take upto 10 digits before decimal and after decimal it will take 8 digits.

                        var str = [10, 8];

                        if (value.indexOf('.') > -1) {

                            if (str[0] != "") {
                                var length = value.substr(value.indexOf('.') + 1).length;
                                if (length >= str[1]) {
                                    return false;

                        if (!StrValue.match(dot)) {
                            var strHypen = StrValue.replace("-", "");
                            var strHypenLength = strHypen.length;
                            if (str[0] != "") {

        //Here I am taken maxlength of textbox is 20 for my requirement, whatever your requirement you have to change.

                                if (strHypenLength > 20 - str[1] - 3) {
                                    if (Strlength > 20 - str[1] - 3) {
                                        return false;

            else {
                return ret;

Result: Actually it will accept only numbers and one dot(.) and one (-) symbol.

Here it is output.

 5 digits before decimal and after

 10 digits before decimal and after 8 digits

 8 digits before decimal and after 6 digits with accepting minus (-) symbol.

 8 digits before decimal and after 8 digits with accepting minus (-) symbol.

 10 digits before decimal and after 8 digits with accepting minus (-) symbol.

Hope it will help you guys..!!!!!!!!!!


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